Image of employees and icons representing core company values.

What are Core Values and How to Build Them Into Your Culture


What are company core values?

Why company values are important

Increased business value

Statistic about the importance of authentic values on a successful business. "When companies have a strong culture, they see a 4x increase in revenue growth."

Higher employee engagement

Statistic about the importance of corporate values on employee engagement. "65% of employees who understand the business's values say they are also highly engaged at work."

Better recruiting returns

Higher retention

Some of the most common core values

Image of a core values list highlighting the most common core value.

Motivosity’s core values and why we picked them

Image of Motivosity's core value list: Love What You Do, Serve Always, and Stay Young.

Love what you do

Serve always

Stay young

How to identify your company values

Look to your mission and vision statements.

Ask your employees.

Brainstorm with key stakeholders.

How to build your company culture around your core values

Get specific and unique.

Make your values clear.

Be authentic.

Lead by example.

Weave them into everything.

Image of employees collaborating and being recognized in Motivosity, an employee recognition software, for living a core value.

Recognize and reward employees who live your values

Improve Company Culture with Motivosity

Image of a woman using Motivosity, an employee recognition and rewards solution.