Image of several Motivosity dashboard screenshots with a gradient background.

What’s New in Motivosity: June 2024

Tell everyone—the Giphy keyboard is here!

Gif of giving an appreciation in Motivosity using gifs.

Protect your dollars with even more security.

Coming Soon: Get more visibility into funding.

Coming Soon: Add a new payment method faster and easier.

Various modals to add a new payment method in Motivosity

Employee Insights: Enjoy better survey flexibility.

→ Filter survey results by user group

→ Get better AI-generated insights from Coach Carl

→ Coming Soon: The MV6 Setup page is getting a glow-up!

  • You will be able to send the MV6 Satisfaction Survey on demand or on a custom schedule that works for your org.
  • You can choose to use the standard MV6 questions or modify the questions to fit your company's needs.

Tiny but Shinies

Illustration of Carl the Yeti holding various rainbow gems for "Tiny but Shiny"

→ Create a custom Onboarding Gift for new employees

Image of the milestones dashboard in Motivosity and adding onboarding gifts

Add more than $1 to recognition “Dittos”

Share any post in Motivosity to drive more engagement

Banner of "copied to clipboard"
Image of a Motivosity annoucement and the various actions to take for an announcement.

View media easier

Image of a Motivosity appreciation that has a carousel of images attached.